Lana Oweidat is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Writing Center at Goucher College. Her doctorate degree is in rhetoric and composition, and she holds a graduate certificate in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. She teaches writing and rhetoric courses with an emphasis on writing pedagogies, border discourses, and transnational narratives. Her research tackles tutor training, feminist rhetorics, as well as multilingual composition and anti-Islamophobia pedagogies.
Oweidat, Lana and Tamara Issak. “Fulfilling Allah’s Trust: Rhetorics of Amannah as a Foundation for Social Change.” Pluriversal Literacies: Tools of Perseverance and Livable Futures, edited by Ellen Cushman, Romeo García, Damián Baca. University of Pittsburgh Press. January 2024.
Oweidat, Lana, Christina V. Cedillo, Tamara Issak, Janelle Jennings-Alexander, Trent M. Kays, Ashanka Kumari, Mara Lee Grayson, Caitlyn McKay, and Bernice Olivas. “At a Crossroads: The Committee for Change and the Voices of CCCC.” Systems Shift: Creating and Navigating Change in Rhetoric and Composition Administration, edited by Genesea Carter and Aurora Matzke. WAC Clearinghouse. 2023.
Oweidat, Lana. “Letter from Omar bin Al-Khattab to Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari.” Global Rhetorical Traditions, edited by Hui Wu and Tarez Samra Graban. Parlor Press, 2022.
Oweidat, Lana. “Islamic Ethos: Examining Sources of Authority.” Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric, special issue of Humanities, vol. 8, no.4, 2019.
Oweidat, Lana. “Disrupting Empty Multiculturalism: An Appeal for Critical Intersectional Approaches to our Feminisms.” Peitho digital insert, vol. 22, no.1, Fall/Winter 2019.
Oweidat, Lana. “Student Voices: Navigating Linguistic and Cultural Hurdles as a Second Language Academic Writer.” Teaching with a Global Perspective: Practical Strategies from Course Design to Assessment, edited by Dawn Bikownski and Talinn Philips. Routledge, 2019.
Oweidat, Lana and Lydia McDermott. “Neither Safe nor Brave: Empathetic Interventions in Tutor Training.” Writing Centers as Brave/r Spaces, special issue of The Peer Review, vol. 1, no. 2, 2017.
Oweidat, Lana. Readings on Writing (edited textbook). With B. David Bruce, Rebecca Lachman, Albert Rouzie, John H. Whicker, Sherrie Gradin, and Matthew Vetter. 2nd ed. Van-Griner Press, 2014.
Oweidat, Lana. “Not a Box to be Checked: An Anti-Racist Model for Tutor Education.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 13, 2023.
Oweidat, Lana, Mais Al-Khateeb, Kefaya Diab, Tamara Issak, Nabila Hijazi, Mohamed Yacoub, and Soha Youssef. “Arab/Muslim Caucus Roundtable on Disrupting Silences and Promoting Inclusive Pedagogical Interventions.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. February 16, 2023.
Oweidat, Lana and Caucus and SIG leaders. “Cross-Caucus/SIG Roundtable on Coalitional and Collaborative Work.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. February 16, 2023.
Oweidat, Lana and Tamara Issak. “Fulfilling Allah’s Trust: Rhetorics of Amannah as a Foundation for Social Change.” Rhetoric Society of America. May 27, 2022.
Oweidat, Lana, Mais Al-Khateeb, Kefaya Diab, Tamara Issak, Nabila Hijazi, Mohamed Yacoub, and Soha Youssef. “Arab/Muslim Standing Group Roundtable on Challenging Oppressive Systems.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 9, 2022.
“Can We Do Better? Forging Unlikely Coalitions and Challenging the Neoliberal Landscape,” Feminist Workshop’s annual event sponsored by the Feminist Caucus. Conference on College Composition and Communication. April 7, 2021.
“On Defensiveness: White Fragility and the Question of Ethical Engagement in the Classroom.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. March 25-28, 2020. Presentation cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
“Navigating Contested Spaces: An Antiracist Approach to Tutor Education.” Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference. Towson, MD. March 7, 2020.
“Embodying the Arab and Muslim Identity as Lived Experiences.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA. March 15, 2019.
“Disrupting Empty Multiculturalism: An Appeal for Critical Intersectional Approaches to our Feminisms.” Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PA. March 13, 2019.
“All Our Relations: Teaching Social Justice Movements.” Conference on College Composition and Communication: Languaging, Laboring, and Transforming. Kansas City, MO. March 14, 2018.
"Troubling Transnational Solidarities: Disrupting Islamophobic Pedagogies." National Women's Studies Conference. Baltimore, Maryland. November 18, 2017.
“Power, Ethics, and the War on Terror: Tensions between the Rhetoric of Saving and Cultural Relativism.” Conference on College Composition and Communication: Cultivating Capacity, Creating Change. Portland, Oregon. March 17, 2016.
“Anti-Islamophobia Pedagogy: Global Citizenship, Transnational Feminism, and Rhetorical Education.” Conference on College Composition and Communication: Writing Strategies for Action. Houston, TX. April 8, 2016
“The Muslim Other as the West’s New Racial Other: Mapping an Anti-Islamophobia Rhetoric and Pedagogy,” upcoming conference, 66th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, FL, March 18-21, 2015.
“Re-making Gendered Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Classroom: Liminal Spaces, Anxious Tensions, and Ethical Engagement.” Presented at the Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference: Women’s Ways of Making. Tempe, AZ. October 29, 2015.
“Encountering the Face of the Muslim Other in the Classroom: The Muslim Other Demands an Ethical Response,” Thomas R. Watson Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, October 16-18, 2014.
“Subverting the Western Gaze: An Appeal for an (Un)veiled Rhetoric,” 65th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 19-22, 2014.
“Home Pages: Archiving Domestic Rhetors,” with Dr. Lydia McDermott, Blurring Boundaries: Opening Rhetorical Spaces (pre-conference workshop), 65th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 19-22, 2014.
“A Movable Border: The Veil as Gendered Ethos,” 16th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference, San Antonio, Texas, May 22-26, 2014.“Mapping Our Discursive Homes across National Borders,” 64th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 13-16, 2013.
“A Pedagogy of Unbound Transnationality,” National Women's Studies Association, Oakland, California, November 8-11, 2012.
“Mind the Gap: The Cultural Negotiations of Non-native Composition Teachers in an American University,” Thomas R. Watson Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, October 18-20, 2012.
“Building ‘Unlikely Coalitions’ across Borders,” 63rd Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, Missouri, March 21-24, 2012.
“Anxious Spaces: Constructing, Historicizing, and Contextualizing Images and Stories of Difference and Otherness,” Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota, October 12-15, 2011.
“The Hybrid Voice of Nonwestern Faculty in the ‘Contact Zone,’” 41st Annual College English Association (CEA) Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 25-27, 2010.
“Dismantling Islamophobia: Ethical Engagement in Anxious Spaces.” St. John’s University, Queens, NY (April 2024).
National Council of Teachers of English
College Composition and Communication
International Writing Centers Association
The Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association
National Women’s Studies Association
Council of Writing Program Administrators 酷讯火车票 新葡京在线 武汉华宇诚数控 太阳城 皇冠博彩 太阳城网址 广东新生代产业工人圆梦计划报名系统 就医160网东莞医院预约挂号 哈尔滨应用职业技术学院 卜易居姓名测试打分 安华瓷砖 宝岛眼镜官网 天津河北区 河池365论坛 哲达科技 新浪航空 紫金所 SOLIDWORKS官方论坛 波波女性网 中国经济网时尚频道 浙江科技学院教务处 劲舞团官方合作网站 欧泉美业 兑吧 易加油 评游网 志慧-成长历程 搜房网江门二手房网 站点地图